Most of the people in 2020 search before doing anything like if they want any purchase a thing, service, information, or anything related to any topic they are browsing the internet. So for that when people search on the internet and google showing a result the search of websites or results are shown on the first page is most important websites as per the people thinking. They do not search after two or three pages. So for the first page of google website showing is a sign of good SEO website development. So for that we required SEO friendly website development.

Before looking for an SEO friendly website, we need to know a few things.

Why Do You Need A Website?

If you have any type of business and you want to develop it online. You want it to grow big. You want to increase your customer outreach. You want your customers ( old/new/potential ones) to be able to find out about your business. Then you need a website which is an online -platform for marketing purposes.

Nowadays 70-80% of people look for a product or business online. It is much easier to locate a service just by typing a few words and getting information regarding the desired service. So a website is most important for every business.

SEO Friendly Website

Why Should The Website Be Seo Friendly?

It needs to be SEO-friendly because a survey reveals that 75% of people do not go beyond the first page of Google. Hence, for people to find your business and get more organic traffic on your website, it needs to be on the first page and most probably on the first link. 

SEO-friendly website development is needed due to the following reasons.

  • It helps to bring more organic traffic to the website
  • The credibility of your brand increases
  • The importance of SEO increases in mobile
  • It makes your website user-friendly
  • You can understand what your customers want
  • It is also cost-effective

After the website development, it is important to check whether it is SEO-friendly or not? When the on-page or website development is proper for search results on the search engines, then that website is known as an SEO-friendly website. 

During the website development, we should make sure if SEO related work has been done on it. A good and thorough SEO-work means that the website should have a proper URL, H1, and H2 tags, and targeted keywords in the first paragraph on the homepage of the website and Alt, Title tags on the images. These points should be checked during SEO-friendly site development.

“And, last year released a study that showed 53 percent of organic search clicks go to the first link.”

And, it is the SEO that helps your website to come on the first page in search engines and even rank 1 on it.

First things first, Before anything else, we must make sure that the website provides a good and user-experience. 

Questions Asked Before Launching The Website

By the good health of a website, I am referring to whether your website has been designed properly. 

  • How quickly the entire website loads?
  • Is it listing out your products and services clearly and engagingly?
  • Is your website user-friendly and mobile friendly? 
  • Do they have a balanced amount of different types of content such as text, images, and videos? 
  • Proper sitemap is available?
  • Whether it is an SEO-friendly website

They make up the base on which SEO begins. A good website and strenuous SEO work complement each other and help in improving your website’s rank.  

Now coming to the second-most important thing. 

Seo-Friendly Website Optimization Checklist During Website Development

  • The website must have a simple website architecture
  • Domain and URL must be proper and SEO-friendly
  • The website must have a mobile-friendly design and development
  • The loading time of pages must be fast in desktop and mobile view
  • An internal link is required to open other webpages in the website 
  • HTML Title Tags H1, H2 must be on the website
  • Meta description tags are added in the backend of the website so that the search engine searches the meta and updates the ranking
  • Written content on the website should have unique with important keywords
  • Content should be in the form of bullet points so readers quickly find what they are finding
  • Rich snippets are useful for search engines
  • Images should be optimized by putting Alt, Title tags, and proper URLs
  • Sitemap.xml is quite useful for managing navigation on the website 
  • Robots.txt should be included in the website 
  • Use of keywords in the URL to improve search ranking
  • Unique titles and meta description for all pages
  • Use of social links on the website 

Seo Is Not A One-time Work

Search engines like Google, Bing are persistently working to provide their users with the most relevant and the most suitable content that they are searching for in the first attempt. 

Hence, Google keeps changing its search algorithms 500-600 times in a year. Most of these updates are small and do not impact much, but when they release major updates. You have to work up your SEO to maintain your position or improve your website’s rank.  

There are specific features and characteristics on an SEO-friendly website that help the search engines to understand the website and what is about. All this increases the chances of achieving better rankings in the SERPs. 

So if you are looking for an SEO friendly website development service, you have come to the right place. We offer dedicated and excellent SEO friendly website development services. To know more about us, call us at 98793 10901 or visit our website or email us your requirements at